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Reflection on Digestion: A Performance Dinner 2013

Reflection on Digestion: A Performance Dinner 2013

Tuesday 17 December, 7 for 7.30pm

In Collaboration with BROQWiEM

Photography: Evy Jokhova and Amanda Couch


Facing the onset of the Winter festivities, gluttony, over consumption, alcohol-fuelled misunderstandings and emotional disputes BROQWiEM and I would like to invite you to slow down, consider what you are about to do to yourself, be mindful of your body and the long month to come, enjoy good food and reflect on the processes of consumption, digestion, sharing and eating as part of a community.


Reflection on Digestion: A Performance Dinner is a participatory performance dinner by Amanda Couch that reflects on the process and image of digestion through food and language.


The event is presented in six chapters, four of which are gastronomic dishes prepared from the alimentary canal: tongue, stomach, liver and intestines. The feast is served alongside the presentation of a text: Artistic, philosophical, historical and physiological narratives converge on these organs to explore how we cognitively and bodily digest knowledge and experience.


Reflection on Digestion embodies an experiential approach to the transmission of information by placing the diner, their senses and interior body at the centre of the creation of meaning and understanding. By reflecting on the direct experience of eating alongside historical and contemporary narratives of digestion, participants and host - Amanda Couch, literally and metaphorically ruminate on the processes of ingestion, digestion, and subjectivity, and on embodied ways of knowing.







Vin Chaud with Red Wine


Ox Tongue with Salsa Verde


Stuffed Lamb’s Tripe Packages in Tomato Sauce


Sautéed Chicken Livers with Globe Artichoke


Andouillette Sausage


Nun's Farts (Churros Fritters) and Aphid Poo honey (Honeydew honey)


Mint Tea

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